First Time Winter Backpacking

I just finished the AMC book on winter hiking and backpacking, AMC Guide to Winter Hiking & Camping by Yemaya Maurer and Lucas St. Clair. A goal of mine this year was to do at least one winter backpack trip in the mountains of New Hampshire. Coincidentally, I just met someone who was an experienced mountaineer and my excitement got the best of me – I asked him to help me out and we planned our first trip together. (more…)

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New Journey

Recently let go from my job…I wonder what I’m going to do next.  I’m not really sure which way I’m going to go, but I know where I want to be in the future.  And that’s grad school for physics.

I’ll start studying now for grad school but I also want to do things to keep my body occupied.  I’m going to start taking care of myself for real this time and for the long term.   (more…)

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I’ve been staying pretty far away from this blog lately.  I want to get back into it badly.

I’ve been trying to decided whether I want to make this blog a personal one or one where I keep it a little more professional.  I’m still not sure what I’m going to do.


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Monadnock: 8 Partial Trails

I met up with Steph at 9:30 am and we were on our way to Mt. Monadnock.  We got there around 11am.  Our plan for the day was to hike up the White Dot Trail to the Cascade Link to Spellman and then link up to Pumpelly for our way up the mountain.   (more…)

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First Backpacking Trip

My first backpacking trip ever took place this Memorial Day weekend.  I took forever to finally be able to say I was all packed up and ready-to-go, but as soon as I had finished I had a wave of nervousness pass over me.  I was excited but anxious about what the trip would entail for me both physically and mentally.  (more…)

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Zealand Hut Trip and the Mighty 210!

I know how scared and anxious I was about this three-day hut-trip, and how I was so nervous about teaching alongside T, but it went better than expected.  However, no matter how well it went I just couldn’t seem to shake the anxiety I had all throughout the trip.  I kept questioning myself: Am I not teaching enough? Why am I walking so slowly?  Is this program really right for me?

I don’t have answers to all of the questions yet, but I do seem to have an answer to most now.  (more…)

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Not-So-Calm Before the Storm

Today I had another log day which meant that I got to lesson plan with T for our co-teaching/shadowing for a trip to Zealand Hut with a high-school group.  I have very mixed feelings about the teaching thing, but I’m sure it’s just nerves. (more…)

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